
Sunshine Transit is a full-service wheelchair transportation company that has been in business since 2014.

We offer complete door-to-door service to customers in Winnipeg and out of town.

We have a wide range of vehicles to accommodate your needs from:

  • Vans
  • Buses
  • Wheelchair Accessible Limousine


Promaster Winnipeg


This vehicle is designed to accommodate all passengers efficiently regardless of mobility needs.  The 36″ wide in-floor manual ramp allows for user independence and dignity to get on and off worry free. Seating up to 8 people, with ample floor area for up to 3 wheelchair passengers, ideal for daily transportation needs.


  • Seats up to THREE wheelchairs & FIVE passengers
  • Multiple seating configurations, including removable seating for added flexibility
  • 36″ wide high strength, yet feather light in-floor manual ramp with a 9 degree slope for easy access for wheelchair passengers
  • Durable anti-skid flooring with multiple wheelchair securements
MV1 Winnipeg


What is a universal vehicle? Simply put, it means the vehicle was designed to accommodate all passengers, regardless of ability. Large groups and wheelchair passengers alike will appreciate the spacious interiors, high-end finishes and accessible features of this luxury Limousine.


  • Seats up to FIVE passengers or ONE wheelchair & THREE passengers
  • Equipped with an extra wide side entry & a 32″ wide telescoping ramp
  • Spacious & luxurious interior with high-end finishes
  • French-stitched supple leather seating, walnut trim & armchair comfort
  • Power outlets & entertainment system
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